The JWST ETC Cycle 1 Version 1.5 Is Now Live
STSCI announces the release of version 1.5 of the JWST Exposure Time Calculator (ETC), the final version prior to the Cycle 1 call for proposals. This release contains new instrument modes, as well as usability, performance, and accuracy improvements, including:
- – New NIRCam Short Wavelength and Long Wavelength Imaging Time Series modes, including support for weak lens observations.
- – New NIRSpec modes for MOS Confirmation Imaging, MOS Verification Imaging, and IFU Verification Imaging.
- – Elimination of flat field errors for MIRI, NIRCam, and NIRISS time series modes. This enables estimates of the shot noise limit for exoplanet transit observations with very high signal-to-noise ratios.
- – Changing the full-well depth for the NIRISS AMI mode to help users avoid the regime where charge can spill over between pixels. This decreases the saturation limit for NIRISS AMI by ~60%.
- – New FASTGRPAVG readout pattern options for MIRI target acquisitions on fainter targets.
- – Replacement of the NRS readout pattern with the new NRSRAPIDD6 for NIRSpec target acquisition. This now matches an operational change to improve the handling of cosmic rays.
- – Addition of the neutral density filter to MIRI Imaging to support LRS Verification Imaging.
- – Updates to Example Science Program Workbooks.
- – Implementing a fix for a bug where the NIRSpec Multi-object Spectroscopy strategy offset the target in the wrong direction.
- – Implementing a fix for incorrectly labeled Phoenix stellar model options.

As usual, your old workbooks are still available, but are marked read-only. Copying these workbooks will update them to version 1.5 so that you can continue working in the ETC.