- Pseudocolor image of the central region of a globular cluster viewed in the Z087, J129, and F184 filters of the WFIRST Wide Field Imager, as simulated using STIPS.
The Space Telescope Image and Spectroscopy Simulator
It is used to simulate JWST observations of large astronomical fields.
The STIPS (Space Telescope Image Product Simulator) software produces simulated imaging data for complex wide-area astronomical scenes, based on user inputs, instrument models and library catalogues for a range of stellar and/or galactic populations. It was originally developed for the JWST mission, but now has been extended to include WFIRST functionality as well. The current JWST version produces images covering the MIRI detector, either one or both NIRCam Long detectors, and either one, four, or all eight NIRCam Short detectors. STIPS includes the most current information about the telescope sensitivity, spectral elements, and detector properties; it uses the PSF model generated by WebbPSF for JWST, and it calls the appropriate Pandeia/JWST ETC modules to compute instrumental throughput and count rates.
STIPS is based on a Python module and a web interface that provides a straightforward way of creating observation simulations. In its current implementation, it runs server-side and allows users to submit simulations and view/retrieve the results .
The PSF Simulation Tool
it is used to simulate detailed point spread functions for all the JWST instruments.
The WebbPSF computes PSFs from a supplied library of optical path difference (OPD) files consistent with the JWST optical error budget, including wavefront errors in the Optical Telescope Element (OTE) and in each instrument. 10 independent statistical realizations are provided for each. Using these, WebbPSF computes observed PSFs assuming Fraunhofer (far-field) propagation. WebbPSF provides:
– PSF simulations for direct imaging and coronagraphic modes, and for non-redundant aperture masking on NIRISS.
– A greatly improved graphical user interface.
– Arbitrary oversampling of output PSFs
– Built-in functions for PSF evaluation such as producing radial profile plots, measuring encircled energy curves, FWHMs, etc.–
– Improved instrument properties such as normalized filter throughputs for NIRCam, NIRspec, and NIRISS, and detector pixel scales and orientations for all instruments.
– Quick calculations using optimized matrix Fourier transforms, the fast semi-analytic coronagraphy algorithm, and the FFTW3 library (optional).
– An easy-to-use scripting interface for integration with other tools.
Simulated observations
- have been created for each of the instruments listed below as a way to familiarize investigators with JWST data products. These high fidelity simulations were developed by JWST instrument team members, including instrument scientists at STScI and ESA. Simulation data for MIRI and NIRSpec remains available through an FTP hosted by ESA. Data files that were used to generate the simulated observations, such as catalogs of sources, SEDs, background, etc., are also provided where available. Most data are organized and formatted in substantially the same way as they would from a genuine observing program for various observing modes.
- Data files may be retrieved individually or, in some cases, in bulk from the linked pages listed below:
- (At ESA) include an Integral Field observation with the Medium Resolution Spectrograph (MRS), a Low Resolution Spectrograph (LRS) observation, and an imaging observation (voir MIRISim)
- include the following science modes: Imaging, Wide-Field Slitless Spectroscopy (WFSS), Single Object Slitless Spectroscopy (SOSS) and Aperture-Masking Interferometry (AMI).
- (at ESA) include observations using the Multi-Object Spectroscopy (MOS) mode and Integral Field Spectroscopy (IFU) mode.
- A simulator for the Mid-Infrared Instrument on JWST
- Note: The format and organization of most of the data and metadata in the FITS files offered here is the same as that expected for Level-1b products.
APT is an integrated toolset consisting of editors for filling out proposal information, an Orbit Planner for determining feasibility of the observations, a Visit Planner for determining schedulability, diagnostic and reporting tools, a Bright Object Tool for performing bright object checks, and eventually an integrated tool which will be based on Aladin for viewing exposure specifications overlaid on FITS images.
An important tool when elaborating a proposal is the Field of Regard of the JWST: the Figure illustrates the great coverage of the telescope (more on the Coordinate System and Field of Regard).
The JWST project provides two quick-look target visibility tools to help in pre-planning observations, and for determining their feasibility, prior to entering them in APT: the General Target Visibility Tool (GTVT) predicts visibility windows and position angles for all instruments (GTV), and the Coronagraphic Visibility Tool (CVT) provides target visibility information for the NIRCam and MIRI coronagraphic modes (CVT). The JWST APT Visit Planner (VP) includes other aspects of schedulability beyond just visibility, including the availability of guide stars at relevant position angles, and any special requirements levied on the observations in APT.
APT is the final arbiter of schedulability.
The APT version 2020.4
has been formally released on September 8, 2020 by the Space Telescope Science Institut (STScI). The upgrade to this new version is required for people working on JWST Cycle 1 Proposals.
APT 2020.4 contains the following changes for JWST: - Update to default Visit Planner dates: The default Visit Planner processing date range has been slipped by seven months for consistency with the change in JWST launch date. (92240)
- Support for Background Observations for MIRI Coronagraphic Imaging: Associated background observations for MIRI Coronagraphic Imaging are now supported. These observations are associated with particular primary targets, but do not require target acquisition. Detailed guidance is provided in JDox. (92144)
- More Acq Readout Patterns for MIRI LRS: Target Acquisition for a MIRI LRS SLITLESSPRISM observations will now allow the Acq Readout Patterns: FASTGROUPAVG8, FASTGROUPAVG16, FASTGROUPAVG32 and FASTGROUPAVG64. (91859)
- Overhead correction for MSA proposals that use 5 shutter slit with gaps: The MPT had been creating 5 exposures when the « 5 shutter slitlet with gaps » was chosen. This has been corrected and now only 3 exposures are created which takes less time. (92084)
- Pure Parallels are non-propriety: APT now reflects the policy that Pure Parallel observations are non-propriety with no exclusive access period by default. (91743)
- Durations now calculated for pure parallels: Observation and visit level Science and Total Charged Durations are now populated for pure parallel proposals. (92071)
The APT version 2020.3
Contained the following changes for JWST
Previous APT Versions and improvements - Review manually created MOS observations: You can now send a manually created MOS observation to the MSA Planning Tool (MPT) for review in the Plans pane. Click the « Review in MPT » button in the observation and then go to MPT in the toolbar. (91955)
- Timing changes: Minor timing changes (such as in dither patterns) have been introduced through resource file updates and so small changes may be seen by some users. (92171)
- Upgrade to Java 11: APT contains its own Java library. It was updated in the HST release APT 2020.2.1 and so JWST users may be seeing this for the first time with APT 2020.3. Should be helpful for people who were getting security warnings about the previous Java. (91456)
The APT version 2020.2
Contained the following changes for JWST
- Overhead/Timing Changes: More work has been done to improve the fidelity of overheads. Your draft proposals may now report less « Charged Time » than in previous versions (due to the slew time for dithers being reduced).
- Minor changes in graphical Timeline: Close examination of the graphical Timeline will likely show small changes in the way overheads are reported even if the total amount has not changed.
- Change to names of Visit Planner constraints: If you need to examine the individual scheduling constraints reported in the Visit Planner you will find that the constraint names and order have changed to be more readily understandable and consistent with special requirement nomenclature. If needed, there is a Knowledge Article that explains all scheduling constraints.
- New NIRCam WFSS Dither: A 2-point subpixel dither pattern has been added to the NIRCam WFSS template. (87291)
- New NIRISS WFSS Dithers:
- Filter-dependent dithers have been implemented for the NIRISS WFSS template when GRISM=BOTH. (91506)
- Optional 3-point “Direct Imaging” dithers have been implemented for the NIRISS WFSS template. (91741)
- New Keywords: Debris Disks and Circumstellar Disks have been added to appropriate Science Keyword lists. (92027)
The APT version 2020.1.2
Contained the following changes for JWST
- PDF Concatenation Error: Addresses a problem with creating the PDF Preview (or exporting the TAC PDF). Users with large image files within their Proposal PDF Attachment sometimes got a PDF Error when attempting to preview the full TAC view of their proposal. (91609)
The APT version 2020.1.1
Contained the following changes for JWST
- MPT Rewrite: There has been a major reengineering of the user experience of the MSA Planning Tool.
- Timing Changes: The modeling of overheads has been better aligned with what has been seen in ground testing. Previous draft proposals may now report more or less « Charged Time » than in previous versions.
- New Coordinated Parallel options: There are three new supported prime/parallel pairings of templates available: NIRCam WFSS & MIRI Imaging, NIRCam WFSS & NIRISS Imaging, and NIRSpec MOS & MIRI Imaging.
- Key for graphical Timeline: The graphical Timeline tool now has a link to a key (hosted in JDox) at the bottom of the display. (91536)
- Joint HST/JWST programs: JWST Cycle 1 invites Joint Observatory Programs for HST and JWST. (91818)
- Default Visit Planner Dates: The default date range for Visit Planner processing has been updated. For Cycle 1 the default range is now 01-Aug-2021 to 31-Mar-2023. (90480)
- Example Science Programs: Eight more Example Science Programs have been added to the APT File Menu. (91612)
- Optional MIRI Verification Image: For slitted MIRI LRS observations with a Target Acquisition there is now an option for a Verification Image. (91765)
- Brighter targets for NIRCam: Support for acquisition of brighter targets by allowing additional filter choices in the NIRCam Time Series and Grism Time Series templates. (89141)
- Additional Filter for NIRISS: The NIRISS SOSS template now allows the use of the F277W filter. (91758)
- Was a major JWST release and had to be used for all HST and JWST GO programs. It contains the following changes for JWST:
- MPT Rewrite: There has been a major reengineering of the user experience of the MSA Planning Tool.
- Timing Changes: The modeling of overheads has been better aligned with what has been seen in ground testing. Previous draft proposals may now report more or less « Charged Time » than in previous versions.
- New Coordinated Parallel options: There are three new supported prime/parallel pairings of templates available: NIRCam WFSS & MIRI Imaging, NIRCam WFSS & NIRISS Imaging, and NIRSpec MOS & MIRI Imaging.
- Key for graphical Timeline: The graphical Timeline tool now has a link to a key (hosted in JDox) at the bottom of the display. (91536)
- Joint HST/JWST programs: JWST Cycle 1 invites Joint Observatory Programs for HST and JWST. (91818)
- Default Visit Planner Dates: The default date range for Visit Planner processing has been updated. For Cycle 1 the default range is now 01-Aug-2021 to 31-Mar-2023. (90480)
- Example Science Programs: Eight more Example Science Programs have been added to the APT File Menu. (91612)
- Optional MIRI Verification Image: For slitted MIRI LRS observations with a Target Acquisition there is now an option for a Verification Image. (91765)
- Brighter targets for NIRCam: Support for acquisition of brighter targets by allowing additional filter choices in the NIRCam Time Series and Grism Time Series templates. (89141)
- Additional Filter for NIRISS: The NIRISS SOSS template now allows the use of the F277W filter. (91758)
The APT 26.0.2
(May 14, 2018)
- Pure Parallels: Improved the implementation of Pure Parallels
- NIRSpec MSA Planning tool: Numerous updates to the NIRSpec MSA Planning tool
- Data Volume: Corrections to data volume calculations and a check at 1/2 recorder size
- Visit Coverage: Corrections to the visit coverage export file
- Target Groups: Completed implementation of target groups
The APT 25.4.4
(March 14, 2018)
- Minor release – fixes a regression in Aladin; recommended for users of the Aladin tool.
The APT 25.4.3
(Feb. 20, 2018)
- Changes to the Visit Planner servers: There are now separate servers for Fixed and Solar System proposals. And Solar System proposals no longer check for guidestars.
Fix for MIRI LRS Mapping: The spectral & spatial offsets for the mapping dither had been inverted in the Aladin display and reports.
Improved opacity functionality in Aladin: There is now a master slider for the opacity of apertures in Aladin as well as a toggle to turn off the fill.
- Changes to the Visit Planner servers: There are now separate servers for Fixed and Solar System proposals. And Solar System proposals no longer check for guidestars.
The APT 25.4.2
(Jan. 16, 2018)
- Timing model: Includes updates to the timing model, including revisions to the overheads for coordinated parallel observations and tight timing windows..
MIRI No Acq option: The option for MIRI LRS and MRS observations to be executed with no Target Acquisition.
MIRI MRS flexibility: The Wavelength and filter selection is now more flexible for MIRI MRS observations.
Version 25.4.2 had to be used to support JWST Early Release Science (ERS) and Guaranteed Time Observers (GTO) (and also HST Cycle 25 Phase I) submissions.
- Timing model: Includes updates to the timing model, including revisions to the overheads for coordinated parallel observations and tight timing windows..
The APT 25.4.1
(Dec. 5, 2017)
- Background Noise Calculation: You can now specify (with a Special Requirement) that your observation is Background Limited and this will be considered in the Visit Planner processing.
Operational PDF: The operational PDF has been updated to be a more complete view of your proposal. Helpful for reviewing the technical aspects of your proposal.
ETC ID: There is now a place to record the ETC Workbook ID for each exposure specification.
Aperture updates in Aladin: There have been changes in the representation in Aladin of many apertures.
Data Volume: There have been many updates to the data volume calculations.
Context Sensitive Help: With updates to JDox, CSH is mostly complete.
Smart Accounting: You are now given feedback that Smart Accounting needs to be run and more ways to invoke it.
NIRSpec MSA: Guidestar checking and smart accounting have been turned on for NIRSpec MSA observations.
Processing dates: The default Visit Planner processing dates have been updates for the updated launch dates.
- Background Noise Calculation: You can now specify (with a Special Requirement) that your observation is Background Limited and this will be considered in the Visit Planner processing.
The APT 25.4.01
(Nov. 20, 2017)
- NIRSpec: Added Wide Aperture Target Acquisition (WATA)
NIRSpec: Updated the NIRSpec MSA Planning Tool
NIRSpec: Updated MSA metrology model
NIRSpec: Updated dithers for Fixed Slit and IFU templates
NIRCam: Updated dither for NIRCam Imaging
NIRCam: Fixed aperture used for NIRCam Time Series
MIRI: LRS template can now use SLOW mode
NIRISS: TA can now use readout pattern NIS
Aladin: Updated apertures and visualization
Data Volume: Updated
Timing Model: Updated (but no overheads yet for moving targets or coordinated parallels)
Smart Accounting: Updated
New Category: Added archival proposal category
TSO: Added Time Series Observation special requirement (allows exposures longer than 10 ks for some templates)
Guide stars: Catalog updated: news stars added
Guide stars: Increased spoiler radius: some guide stars no longer viable)
- NIRSpec: Added Wide Aperture Target Acquisition (WATA)
The Exposure Time Calculator
it calculates the detailed performance of the observatory by modeling astronomical scenes consisting of single or multiple point and extended sources. It offers full support for all of the JWST observing modes.

- Exemple of output from the ETC (here the signal-to-noise ratio)
The JWST Exposure Time Calculator (ETC) version 1.5.1 was released on January 27, 2020.
As a note, when you login to this new version, your old workbooks will be marked « Out of Date ». They will open in Read-Only mode: this ensures that your previous results are not overwritten and remain available to you for reference. If you copy an out of date workbook, and load the copy, all its calculations will be automatically updated for you with the current version of the software.
This new release contains late-breaking accuracy improvements, performance enhancements, and bug fixes, including:
- – Updating the cosmic ray model
- – Improving the mid-infrared thermal model
- – Fixing bugs for slit and slitless spectroscopy when the source is offset within the scene
- – Enhancing performance of the ETC during times of heavy use
- – Rotating PSFs to match the orientation on-sky
- – New and updated workbooks associated with the Example Science Programs in JDox
- – Addition of a narrow-band filter for NIRCam target acquisition (TA) to support observations of bright targets
Version 1.2 of the JWST ETC
- had been released on December 2017
Previous Versions of ETC - – When you load them, they will open in Read-Only mode: this ensures that your previous results are not overwritten and remain available to you for reference.
- – If you copy an out of date workbook, and load the copy, all its calculations will be automatically updated for you with the current version of the software.
- For more information, see :
In addition, JWST ETC version 1.2 features faster performance, accuracy improvements, usability enhancements, and more.
The version 1.2.2 of the ETC had been released on March 19, 2018. This patch includes accuracy-related changes for several modes, as well as critical performance and robustness improvements.
Accuracy Improvements
- Calculations now treat « number of exposures » as « number of dithers ». This correctly decreases the residual flat field error for dithered observations.
- Major accuracy improvements have been achieved for NIRCam and MIRI Coronagraphy modes, MIRI Coronagraphic Target Acquisition, and NIRISS long-wavelength Imaging and TA modes, by using a redesigned and better-sampled PSF Library.
Simulated data sets
- – MIRI Four Quadrant Phase Masks now include the effect of the quadrant boundaries on off-centered PSFs.
- – The MIRI Lyot Coronagraphic Mask is now more appropriately sampled (positions of the pre-calculated PSFs).
- – MIRI Coronagraphic Target Acquisition no longer erroneously has the coronagraph stops in the pupil plane.
- NIRCam Coronagraphy bar masks are now more appropriately sampled (positions of the pre-calculated PSFs).
- NIRISS Imaging in long-wavelength filters now include the pupil mask, leading to a ~16% reduction in flux. This affects the F277W filters and longer wavelengths, for Imaging and Target Acquisition modes.
New features
- – NIRSpec IFU and MIRI MRS modes now report saturations from both « Nod » positions independently.
- – Coronagraphy modes now report saturations from both Science Scene and PSF subtraction source separatedly.
- – The Coronagraphy Strategy has been enhanced by providing a total of four options under « PSF Subtraction ».
- – « Optimal (PSF Autoscaling) » will automatically scale the PSF subtraction source to the flux of the central source before subtraction. This matches the ETC 1.2 behavior for « Optimal » subtraction.
- – « Optimal (No PSF Autoscaling) » with no scaling of the PSF subtraction source. This matches the ETC 1.1.1 and earlier behavior for « Optimal » subtraction.
- – « Unsubtracted Science Scene » displays only the science scene, with only the coronagraphic mask suppressing the central source.
- – « PSF Subtraction Source only » displays the PSF subtraction source by itself, under the coronagraphic mask.
Under the hood
- – ETC 1.2.2 is installed on more powerful hardware, to better support heavy load as the deadlines for proposal submissions approach.
- – Improvements have been made to database handling and resource management.
- – Additional logging and monitoring has been added to facilitate problem investigation.
- Note that the old workbooks from previous ETC versions are locked to facilitate comparisons..
- – When you load them, they will open in read-only mode. This ensures that your previous results are not overwritten and remain available to you for reference.
- – When you copy an out-of-date workbook and load the copy, all of its calculations will be automatically updated for you with the current version of the software.
- See the Release Notes for details, and be sure to review the Known Issues for this release (and the previous ones).
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